Hi. I am Rebecca Bachman. I am mother to three, Emergency Room nurse, getting my Master’s degree, and not least, believer in Jesus.
I love coffee, chocolate and all things food, creating and eating it, though I am a self-proclaimed snob regarding all three. (Like milk chocolate. Does that even count as chocolate??). I just finished a half-marathon this year, realizing my goal to run one while I was still 40. No, I have no plans to run a marathon but don’t mind the idea of another half. I love music, like to read (finding time seems to be a challenge though), and love crossword puzzles. I see travel in my future and love foggy, drizzly, “Londonish” days. Oh, and I make up my own words when it suites me.
The thing that I really want you to know about me though is my story. We are all on a journey; I would like to share mine. My hope is that in sharing my story, I may be able to help other women, women who have been through similar situations and may still be in them. I hope to empower, encourage, and educate women and the people who love them.
- Educate women on what abuse is and how to recognize it.
- Encourage women who may think they are going crazy or feel alone and without help.
- Empower women to defend themselves and stand up to abuse and gain freedom in their lives.
This part of my story began over 15 years ago and ended on December 1, 2016. I am now divorced. This is not the kind of freedom I was looking for but it ended up being the last door open and I had to walk through it. You will not find me encouraging this as a necessity or saying that it is inevitable. I do not think it is the only option, but sometimes it becomes that.
One of my life’s more indelible moments happened way back in nursing school. My clinical group was sitting in the hospital lobby waiting for our instructor to arrive. We began to share the struggles we were experiencing at the hand of our chosen degree pathway. As we shared, we began to realize that despite the appearance of “having it all together,” we were all in the same boat and struggling to stay afloat. The camaraderie that we felt that day formed a bond that carried us through the rest of our years in the program. What it helped me to realize is that we are not alone. There are others suffering silently like I did for so long, that need a friend to come along and say, “Yes, I know. Me too.” There is power in that “me too” and I hope to be that friend.
So come, sit with me, and let me tell you my story.